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every + THING + under the sun

– C1 (advanced) –

Practice Your Listening Comprehension

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Listen to blog post: "every + THING + under the sun" Josh Douglas

Practice Your Reading Comprehension

In North American English, this idiom typically means:


  • every type of a particular thing in existence


    • this expression is often used when exaggerating


  1. “I tried absolutely everything under the sun and I just couldn’t figure out what the problem was. So, I ended up hiring a professional.”

  2. “The doctors did every test under the sun and every time the results came back negative. My friends just wanted to know what was wrong with their son. How to make him feel better.”

  3. “My wife is obsessed with plants. I swear we have every plant specie under the sun at home. Our house is like a jungle.”

Can you think of a way that you could use this idiom? Practice doing so in the comments below.