breathing language

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garbage can

—| A2-B1 (pre-intermediate to intermediate) |—

In Canadian English, this word typically means:

  • the object in which you put trash (this object is inside a building: home, office, mall, etc.)


“Garbage bin” is used for this object when it is outside.


  1. “The garbage can in my kitchen is made of plastic and metal. It is beside my dishwasher.”

  2. “Canadians usually have a garbage can in the following rooms: kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, office.”


Some synonyms of “garbage can” include:

  • the garbage (standard; uncountable noun)

  • the trash (standard; uncountable noun)

  • trash can (more common in American English)

  • waste basket (nuance: a garbage can that is not located in a kitchen; often weaved)

  • waste bin (synonym of “waste basket”)

  • the rubbish (British English; uncountable noun)

Some synonyms of “garbage” include:

  • waste (uncountable noun; nuance: also refers to pee, poop, and other natural things)

  • junk (uncountable noun; nuance: also refers to unhealthy food and broken objects)

  • refuse (formal; uncountable noun)

Some collocations of “garbage” include:

  • to throw out + garbage

  • to throw away + garbage

  • to empty + the garbage [can]

  • to take out + the garbage

  • to roll around in + garbage

  • to eat + garbage