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to shoot the breeze

– C1-C2 (advanced) –

Practice Your Listening Comprehension

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Listen to blog post: "to shoot the breeze" Josh Douglas

Practice Your Reading Comprehension

In North American English, this idiom typically means:


  • to have an informal conversation with someone about nothing in particular; to talk with someone about things that are not important


  1. “They were sitting there on the patio for hours, shooting the breeze. You definitely could have interrupted them. They weren’t talking about anything important. Trust me. I overheard their conversations.”

  2. “Catching up with friends and family is great, but there is nothing better than the comfort of being able to just shoot the breeze with someone.”

  3. “We have no real plans together. Probably will just shoot the breeze and see what comes our way. What are you going to do this weekend?”

When was the last time you shot the breeze with someone? What did you talk about? Practice using this idiom by letting me know in the comments below.