breathing language

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A New Beginning

—| B2- C1 (intermediate to advanced) |—

As some of you may know, this has been a long time coming; I have been wanting to make a website for years! And it is finally here!

This is a new beginning for not only myself, as an online language educator, but also for you, my students, and other English-language learners like you.

I have always wanted to create a singular space where language learners can go to find practical resources and event opportunities which can aid them in their language learning journeys. Though I have many ideas in the works regarding such features, those that you can currently expect and engage in are the following:

i.) an About page where you can learn more about me (Josh) and breathing language

ii.) a Blog that will feature a variety of English-language posts for you to practice your reading skills with

  • posts will always be labelled according to their difficulty so that you know which blog posts are best for your English-language level and improvement

  • tags will detail the primary vocabulary and grammar themes used in posts so that you can focus on strengthening target areas of the English language

  • some words will be colour-coded in posts in order to allow for easier memorization and searching:

    • verbs are orange

    • phrasal verbs are yellow

    • nouns are blue

    • adjectives are purple

    • adverbs are pink

    • idioms/collocations/phrases are turquoise

    • common mistakes are red

    • corrections are green

  • recommendations and reviews of books, TV shows, movies, podcasts, music, and more will be posted on this blog so that you can find diverse and meaningful content that appeals to your individual interests; these posts will explain the reasons why such content can help you improve your English skills

  • vocabulary posts concentrating on English-language idioms, phrasal verbs, collocations, prepositions, and more will be available for your learning and/or reviewing pleasure

  • cultural tidbits on the Anglosphere will help you understand why English-speakers express themselves the way that they do, providing you with a deeper understanding of the language that you are learning to communicate in

  • personal interest stories from my life (Josh) will give you a glimpse into Canada, my passion projects, and the everyday English that is used to talk about such subjects

  • website updates will be posted here as they become relevant

iii.) an Events page that will inform you of any special upcoming language learning events that I am a part of, which you can either virtually attend or watch

  • events are often free, but some may require payment in the future

  • past events will also be posted with a link to where you can watch them

iv.) a Lessons page where you can find a current list of my private English-language classes

  • booking lessons can be done using this page

  • you can view my teaching calendar and availability according to your local time zone

  • lessons are listed using the Canadian Dollar (CAD)

  • no need to purchase special credit points; direct currency conversion (from your local currency to CAD) will be automatically done at checkout

  • special discounts and promotions will be held throughout the year for you to take advantage of

  • specialty lessons will pop up here and there to offer an even more diverse and engaging selection of private tutoring

v.) a Policy page formatted like a FAQ page to allow easier reading

  • lesson policies regarding scheduling, rescheduling, cancelling, refunds, discounts, and more can be found here

vi.) a general Contact page

  • view breathing language’s office hours

  • ask a general question

  • send me (Josh) an email concerning the English language and/or Anglophone culture (especially that of Canada)

  • submit a testimonial to be featured on the website

  • suggest a language service (e.g. a new English lesson type)

  • request a collaboration

  • send a business inquiry

These are but a few of the features that this website will have. As others become further developed, I will let you know. As for now, I hope you enjoy my new website, and if you are really curious you can take a peek at our Incubator.

I am so excited to be on this journey with you! Thank you to all those who have been with me throughout the years and continue to find interest in me and my language services.

I hope you have the utmost wonderful of days! Take care. And until next time, happy English!

Kindest regards,

Josh Douglas, Founder & Language Educator of breathing language