to crop dust

– B2-C1 (intermediate to advanced) –

Practice Your Listening Comprehension

Practice Your Reading Comprehension

In Canadian English, this term typically means:

  1. (slang) to quietly fart and then walk away*

*NOTE: In Canada, it is expected that a person excuses themselves after emitting gas, especially when a sound is produced; crop dusting may occur when a person is embarrassed by the odour of their silent gas and does not want to admit to being responsible for it.


  1. “What is that smell?! Did someone crop dust this place? It smells like poop in here!”

  2. “C’mon, let’s go.”

    “Why? You crop dusting?”

    “Yeah, and I don’t want that lady over there to find out it was me. Hurry!”

Do people often crop dust in your country, or is it culturally expected to excuse yourself when emitting silent gas? Practice using this slang term by letting me know in the comments below.


to grow into