Book: “Eyes That Kiss in the Corners”
—| B2-C1 (intermediate to advanced) |—
Photo courtesy of
Eyes That Kiss in the Corners by Joanna Ho is a beautiful story about what it means to be of Chinese-immigrant descent in the melting pot that is the United States. Accompanied by gorgeous illustration, it explores themes of bi-cultural identity, racism, and self-acceptance in a way that both children and adults alike can appreciate and understand. For those who are learning English, the images serve as a great resource for when one comes across a word, or series of words, that one does not comprehend.
—| B1-B2 (intermediate) |—
Eyes That Kiss in the Corners by Joanna Ho is an instant classic of a children’s book that any adult (with an intermediate knowledge of English) can use to improve their English language skills. It covers vocabulary related to physical appearance, racism, identity, family, support and encouragement, Chinese culture, metaphors, and so much more…!
Are you a child of immigrant parents? Maybe you are an immigrant, yourself? How do you keep your native culture/heritage alive in the country that you live in? Let me know in the comments below.