Song: “How To Change A Tire”

– B2-C1 (upper-intermediate to advanced) –

Practice Your Listening Comprehension

Practice Your Reading Comprehension

If you are a fan of indie/acoustic/pop music, then Zach Hood’s “How To Change A Tire” might just be the song for you. It is a rhythmic tune with a surprisingly haunting presence that might just jerk a tear out of you.


While the song speaks on a variety of relatable themes, it also uses a diverse selection of English language elements. By listening to this song and studying its lyrics, you can expand your vocabulary, practice your grammar, and hone your listening comprehension. Below you will find many of the ways that this musical piece can help you:

  • the past simple

  • contractions

  • phrasal verbs

  • adverbs

  • comparatives

  • two uses of “to get” in context

  • metaphorical language

  • g-dropping

  • unvoiced plosives

  • vocabulary

    • parent-child relationships

    • vehicles

    • love

    • forlornness

    • frustration

  • and much more…!

What do you think this song is about? Do you relate to it at all? How? Let me know in the comments below?


Thumbnail screenshot taken from Zach Hood on YouTube.


Common Mistake: “sickness” vs. “disease”


to melt away