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Book: “The Husbands”

– C1 (advanced) –

Practice Your Listening Comprehension

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The Husbands book cover photo courtesy of goodreads.

Practice Your Reading Comprehension

Holly Gramazio’s debut novel, “The Husbands,” is a thrilling work of literary fiction twisted with absurdist magical realism. It is an exploratory look at the mechanics and importance of modern-day relationships, both platonic and romantic. I suspect it will be nominated for best book of its genre this year (2024).


This novel centres around a single woman who suddenly finds herself married when a man claiming to be her husband climbs down the ladder to her attic. Soon, however, she discovers that when the man returns to her attic, he disappears and is replaced by a new one. A new husband. Such sends the protagonist on an outlandish journey of self-discovery as she cycles through a myriad of husbands and potential lives. Think time travel to the hypothetical, with a similar spirit as Matt Haig’s “The Midnight Library.”


When reading this book, there are a variety of linguistic elements that can aid in enhancing one’s English language skills:

  • British English

  • the present tense

  • the past tense

  • the conditional

  • adjectives

  • inner monologue vs. dialogue

  • vocabulary related to:

    • personality

    • interests

    • quirks

    • furniture

    • décor

    • the home

    • change

    • time

    • memories

    • relationships (friendship, neighbours, acquaintances, strangers, marriage, the self)

  • and much more…!

How does this book sound to you? Do you like to read literary fiction and magical realism? What are your favourite book genres? Let me know in the comments below.