National Indigenous Peoples Day
– B2-C2 (upper-intermediate to advanced) –
A First Nations rendition of the Canadian flag. Photo courtesy of Chris Robert on Unsplash.
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June 21st is a national holiday in Canada called, “National Indigenous Peoples Day” (in the Yukon and the Northwest Territories it is considered a civic holiday). This particular day is dedicated to honouring the heritage, history, resilience, and societal contributions of the Indigenous peoples of Canada: First Nations, Inuit, and Métis.
Observation of this holiday first started to see traction in Canada in 1945, but it was not until 1996, the same year that the last state-run residential school was officially closed (see blog post, “National Day For Truth And Reconciliation”), that it became an official day of celebration in the country. Since then, there has become a variety of ways in which Canadians observe this special day:
attending Indigenous culture festivals and events
learning Indigenous history (in Canada)
watching a powwow
going to Indigenous concerts
consuming Indigenous cuisines
supporting local Indigenous businesses
participating in Indigenous workshops
attending presentations on Indigenous issues
reading a book by an Indigenous author
learning an Indigenous language
reading up on the Indian Act and other systems related to Indigenous affairs
wearing orange in support of Indigenous peoples
watching local and national broadcasts themed to the holiday
and much more…!
For a list of specific events being held near you (in Canada) in celebration of National Indigenous Peoples Day, click here. There are hundreds of activities to choose from. Which one interests you? Which one will you take part in? Let me know in the comments below.
National Indigenous Peoples Day Celebrations Across Canada
2023 National Indigenous Peoples Day Broadcast from Ottawa (Canada’s Capital City)
Powwow Participants, QC photo courtesy of Marc-Lautenbacher - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, WikiMedia Commons
Hoop Dancing photo courtesy of, Public Domain, WikiMedia Commons
Nukariik, Inuit Throat Singers screenshot courtesy of YouTube
Metis flag image courtesy of Original uploader was Enjoyhats at en.wikipedia - Originally from en.wikipedia., Public Domain, WikiMedia Commons
Event At Haida Heritage Centre, BC photo courtesy of Susan Clarke, CC BY 2.0, WikiMedia Commons
Contemporary Musician William Prince photo courtesy of Coldsnap Festival, CC BY 2.0, WikiMedia Commons