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same old, same old

– B2-C1 (intermediate to advanced) –

Practice Your Listening Comprehension

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Listen to blog post: "same old, same old" Josh Douglas

Practice Your Reading Comprehension

In North American English, this idiom typically means:


  1. nothing new or interesting has happened; I have just been doing my regular routine


    • this is often said as a response to questions like “how are you?”

    • this idiom has a negative connotation; when used, a person is usually indicating that they are bored, frustrated or angry about the lack of excitement in their life


  1. “Hey! Long time, no see! What’s new with you?”

    “Oh, you know… Same old, same old. You?”

    “Things have been great! My wife and I just had a baby!”

    “Oh! Wow! Congratulations! That is definitely exciting news!”

  2. “You remember that Michel and Juana are coming over tonight, right?”

    “Aw, crap! I forgot! Do I have to talk to Michel? He’s so boring and negative! Whenever I try to start a conversation with him he has nothing to say. He always says, ‘same old, same old’ when I ask how he’s been doing. How do you even respond to that?! It’s a complete conversation killer.”

    “Well, if he says that again maybe you can ask him about his hobbies. He must do something interesting in his free time."

Do you ever feel like your life is the “same old, same old?” What do you do to make it more interesting for yourself? Let me know in the comments below.